Using the audio guide

Tips on how to make the best use of our audio guide.


The audio tour can be found at

It can be accessed on any device with a web browser, although the design is optimised for use on mobile phones.


This audio guide requires a live data connection. You can use your personal 4G services.

WiFi will be made available in Preston Manor for the 2023 summer season

The audio guide has been kept fairly light, so data usage should be low. A visit should use no more than 20mb of data.


The audio guide is based on 16 rooms in the manor. There is also an introduction and an overview of the history of the manor, which you can enjoy at any point.

The stops are arranged to follow the visitor route through the building. You can listen to each stop in turn or simply dip into rooms that you find particularly intriguing.

From the homepage, you can click on the image of the room to access the content. The audio can be played using the controls beneath the photo at the top of the screen. A transcript is available for each recording.

Use the green Next Stop button to move the guide to the next room. Directions to the next stop on the tour can be found below the button.

Just click on the Brighton & Hove Museums logo to go back to the homepage.

Although the guide is designed for use in Preston Manor, it can be accessed from anywhere online. Feel free to listen in after your visit.